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School times: 08:40am-3:10pm

Children are asked to line up in their designated yard each morning with their parent/carer. The class teacher will then come out to the yard to greet you and take the children into class. 

The importance of good attendance

Please ensure your child attends school regularly and arrives punctually. We have to monitor every child's absence therefore it is essential that school is informed on the first morning if your child is ill.Please phone 0114 2397251 or email admin@st-theresas.sheffield.sch.uk.

Please let us know in advance if your child has a medical appointment during the school day, we would encourage medical appointments to be arranged so that your child is present for morning and afternoon register so they don't lose their attendance mark for that day. The pupil should only be out of school for the minimum amount of time necessary for the appointment. In line with the Sheffield City Council Attendance team guidlines where possible we require a copy of the appointment card, letter or text message that proves that your child has an appointment. This can be emailed to tcomer@st-theresas.sheffield.sch.uk. Please fill in the leave of absence form if your child is absent for any other reason that illness.



Please notify school if someone other than yourself is collecting your child.

Every Half-Term we reward every pupil who has 100% attendance with a certificate which they recive in or attendance assembly. For a full academic year with 100% attendance each pupil will have their picture on our 100% attendance board to celebrate their achievement. 

100% attendance board

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