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Health & Welfare

First Aid

If a child becomes ill in school, parents are contacted. The school maintains computerised records which contain the child’s address and home number, parent’s place of work and extra contacts in case of sickness or emergency. The school has a health check list of all pupils, including an asthma register and an allergy list. This is updated on an annual basis.

Please inform the school immediately of any changes to your child’s health. Records are kept of significant playground incidents; head bump/minor injury forms are issued as appropriate. During the school day all pupils who are injured are taken to the school office or treated by the midday supervisors. It is important that children enjoy their experience of school and therefore we ask parents not to send children who are unwell to school. Instead, keep them at home until they are will enough to attend and contact school regarding their absence.


Only prescribed medication will be given by school staff where it would be detrimental to a child’s health if the medicine was not taken during the school day. Only the stated dosage on the prescription label will be administered. All medication is kept in a locked cupboard, with the exception of inhalers, which are kept in an open locker in the office, and Epipens, which are stored safely by the class teacher allowing quick access. All medication should be clearly labelled with the child’s name and dosage. Any medication that needs to be taken during school trips and outings is kept by the teacher in charge. Staff are aware of where medication is stored. Parents are responsible for administering their own child’s medication. If the school agrees to help with the child’s medication, parents must provide prior written agreement.

Non-prescription medicines such as cough sweets, paracetamol or creams are not allowed in school but individual circumstances should be discussed with the Headteacher. Following discussion with the Head and staff and providing necessary training has taken place, the school will assist children with long term complex medical needs.

School Nursing Service

Every child deserves to be as fit and healthy as possible to gain the maximum benefit from their education. The school nursing service is available to help with any health concerns about your child and has close links with GP’s, health visitors and other child-care professionals. This service carries out routine screening of children when they enter school. Where problems are identified, appropriate follow-up and referral can be undertaken. The school nursing service can provide a link between home and school and act on the child’s behalf and can also provide information, advice and support on health issues for teachers, children and parents, either individually or in groups as part of health promotion programmes.  Any matters of concern to parents can be discussed with the Headteacher at any time if time permits or an appointment can be made. Please do not hesitate to inform us of any problems, however slight, which cause concern.

School Health Services

School Nurse:  2053635


Following advice received from the School Nursing Service, if a child is seen to have head lice then their parent/carer will be contacted and requested to collect their child and arrange immediate treatment. By working together and collaborating in this matter we will be able to minimise the spread of head lice in our schools.

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